Mia Committed Fraud Demanding Child Support From Woody Allen for Ronan
If Ronan Farrow who looks exactly like Frank Sinatra right down to the bright blue eyes is actually Frank Sinatra's son, then Mia Farrow knowingly took Woody to court to get child support and committed fraud, as well as the despicable act of telling Woody that Ronan was his son.
When you read the statements from Moses Farrow, another of Mia Farrow's adopted children you get a clear picture of the scheming, controlling and out of control Mia Farrow and why her children and she are so obsessed with revenge against Woody Allen that it never stops and we read about her obsession every time Woody's name is in the media, or whenever he releases a new movie.
What is peculiar is the sudden media claims by some celebrities that have worked with Woody Allen that although they never saw him do anything wrong, or heard anything that made them think child molestation accusations against him were true, that they have come out and said they will not work with him again?
Well, looking into this and seeing who the people are who make charges like this, I can sure say positively I will not be paying to see any of these people's movies.
I do have to give Alex Baldwin credit for hanging in there with Woody and defending him against really powerful but obviously untrue statements about him molesting Dylan Farrow as a child.