MovieChat Forums > Aaron Eckhart Discussion > Aaron as Hugh Hefner

Aaron as Hugh Hefner

i could care less about Hugh now a days, but if there was a good script of hef's life 50's to late 80's, Aaron looks the part right now perfectly. I would watch that movie in a heart beat. There was enough drama in Hef's life that it could be award winning.
tell me what you think
here is a link to a only pic of hef to prove my point:


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anyone else think so or have any comments


It's funny you should say this.
On another board, we were playing a game saying which famous people look like other famous people an I brought up Eckhart and Hefner.
Aaron could totally pull it off.
And I don't know why they haven't made a movie about Hef's life...seems like it'd be an interesting movie...

"Books and movies are apples and oranges. They're both delicious, but they don't taste the same."


Good call. I'd really not thought about it before, but you're right. He has an extremely similar facial structure to Hefner. That would be a very good choice. I think Aaron Eckhart is the hotness. Hell of an actor, too.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?


I saw Hugh's BIO and when he was young he really resembles Aaron.


Perfect casting.

Expecting Bundle Number 3 in April..


That would be awesome. Perfect casting, I agree. Eckhart is an excellent actor. He'd pull it off

"I realize certain words were exchanged. Also, certain bullets" - Mal Reynolds
