I cannot watch

Saving Private Ryan without wanting to grind his character under the heal of my combat boot. What a spineless worm of a man. The other characters did not really need his translation skills- he only translates the stupid record song near the end- so I would have fragged his sorry ass early on. I despise Upham. Not sure what the director was thinking for including such a pansy ass in a war film. I'm surprised such a idiot even survived basic training.


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I agree with the TC on this. I'm one of those tech nerds and I despise Upham. If people like him did exist during previous wars it sickens me to know many good men died because of wimps like him. Also if I ever met this actor i would punch him in the face.


Yeah and I'd kick him if I ever met him because I hate Charles Manson!
Poor ba stard... Just goes to prove that he must be a decent actor


Ugh. He still makes me so angry!! I can't watch the scene where he could have helped Mellish. 18 years later and I still have to fast forward.
