MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Davies Discussion > Does he remind anyone else of Neil Patri...

Does he remind anyone else of Neil Patrick Harris?


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he kinda does, I was thinking the same thing.


i was thinking the same thing, if he just cut his hair the same i recon they would look really the same


I had never thought of that before, but now that you say it, I can kind of see it...


OMG yes! I thought the same thing when I saw him in "The Constant" with the longer hair. He looked exactly like Neil Patrick Harris with long hair (I can't remember in which episode from How I met your mother... it was the one where they showed Barney before he was "awesome", when he was sort of a hippie)


lol, wow! I thought I was the only one who thought that!


I think he kinda looked like Drake Bell when he was young..I was looking at pictures of him in 'CQ' and was omg, Drake! haha


He didn't before I came to this board. But now I can kind of see it.

The midget I'm dating could be my daughter! ~Denny Crane


I always thought he looked like a young Henry Thomas, which is weird since he's older than Henry.
