new book about Julie
The BFI film book series has just published a book about Julie Christie. The author is Melanie Bell and it is available through Amazon. While somewhat dense and pedagogical, it is a fairly thorough and erudite examination of her place in the pantheon of movie stars. Careful attention is paid to her roles in Darling, Doctor Zhivago, Petulia, The Go Between, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, and Don't Look Now. Equally and surprisingly, much is made of the so-called forgotten decade of the 80s, in particular, Memoirs of A Survivor, The Gold Diggers, The REturn of the Soldier and Heat and Dust. No nonsense about her personal life, which has already been examined in two other (not very good) biographies. This book is strictly about her career, her choices of film roles,her (legendary) acting style and the impact of feminism on them all. As a child of the sixties, I can remember the explosion that was Julie Christie - on fashion, social mores, notions of celluloid beauty. She was the essence of that swinging decade - representing everything that was modern and "kicky". But, as this book points out so astutely, there was always something more - an artistic compulsion, a yearning for intellectual validity. This is, after all, the woman who followed up the enormous box office success of Doctor Zhivago and an Oscar for Darling with a sci fi film by French new wave director Francois Truffaut! One comes away from reading this book with a clear understanding of why and how Julie Christie became the legendary icon that she is. A must read for anyone who feels, as I do, that Julie Christie is one of the greatest, most iconic, movie stars that have ever graced the silver screen.