MovieChat Forums > John Carradine Discussion > Where can I learn more about him?

Where can I learn more about him?

John Carradine tends to be one of the more undocumented of horror movie stars, does anyone know where I can find more information about him? I've read different articles about the more lurid details of his private life and his professional frustration, but there don't seem to be a lot of reference points. Can anyone help me out?


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There is a book out called John Carradine: The Films, by Tom Weaver. It's reqired reading for any John Carradine fan. I love researching his career because I have never seen an actor have as many of the best films of all time and the worst films of all time in his biography. It's fun to watch the progression and digression of his films. He is always a class act though, no matter what the material.


There's some good info here:


The Weaver book is a valuable resource but I've never read a work where the author complains so much about having to watch poor films. It's a book about John Carradine! What did he expect?

"Tinkerty tonk," I said, and I meant it to sting.
