Elizabeth - The Golden Age.
I'm a recent cinephile. 2 years ago when I started to see a lot of films, I was watching a lot of Gwyneth Paltrow's films and I found her likeable but very ordinary as actress. Then I found out that she won an Oscar, and over Fernanda Montenegro's monumental performance in Central Station. I went to see 3 of the 5 nominated films: Shakespeare in Love(because she won), Elizabeth(YouTube comments saying Cate was robbed) and Central Station(Fernanda is brazilian like me and her performance was incredible). After seeing all 3 films I liked more Fernanda, then Gwyneth and then Cate. After a while, when I wasn't that naive in terms of acting quality, I moved Cate to Gwyneth's position.
But when I saw Elizabeth - The Golden Age. Cate's presence is so huge, her voice, her power. I just became a fan. And by proxy I became a fan of Marion Cotillard. Because I tought "Who could beat this magnificent performance by Cate at the Oscars?" then I saw La Vie En Rose and it was just the best acting I've ever seen in my life.