What an Ass

Anyone would be in seventh heaven if someone quoted something from their show. It would make anyone with any kind of sense happy to know that people remember the show but not this idiot

But Obama, who was politely asked by the Sesame Street producers to stop using Big Bird did not stop but that's OK with this idiot

So he is threatening another candidate. If he had a publicist, that person should never let him out without a muzzle.

These Liberal Hollywood idiots can't talk without scripts.

Based on my calculations, I can retire 5 years after I die


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He probably doesn't but Berg is a bigger name, therefore a bigger a... I really hate it when they go out without a muzzle and run their mouths as if they know something

Doesn't he have a publicist? What do they do these days?

Based on my calculations, I can retire 5 years after I die


I don't see many of these already rich, more obnoxious and outspoken than the average guy writers/actors being happy about lending if it's a candidate they're extremely opposed to. his show's already highly popular before he threw a tantrum, and it doesn't matter anyway because any publicity even bad would bring in new viewers to give the show a chance at least. I think he has a lot more sense than people assume.


Where is your muzzle? Who cares what you think? People obviously care what Peter Berg thinks or it would not have gotten as much press as it did. There is nothing wrong with anyone who stands behind what they believe. Peter Berg never hid that he was and is a huge Obama fan so why should he allow people to think he supports Romney?

What do you know? I have a feeling you don't have a publicist


Your immaturity shows here.

When someone uses your material and tries to pass it off as their own, thats wrong, there are actually laws against that, if it involves profit. In this case he didn't want his material being used for politics.
