MovieChat Forums > Peter Berg Discussion > Ugly person inside out

Ugly person inside out

Peter Berg - the new poster boy for some really hateful and mean transphobic people.


Only idiots would say what you said he wasnt hating on jenners gender transformation he just said that jenner shouldn't getting any award when what he did isn't as courageous people going over seas and laying their lives down for this country he's a false idol.This never was and issue till these gays and trannys started making it one .Growing up i knew these people existed it never bothered me because it was none of my business now this small minority of people is trying to be the majority rule in this country i for see some kind of gender war .Of course started by Luney Leftists what berg said wasn't harming anyone but the fk'in thought and sensitivity police have to crawl out of their holes just to jump on innocent comments like bergs just so to perserve this p*ssy generations feelings from getting hurt .I predict this whole gender war is going to end bad this gays and tranny's and feminists .they are just digging their own graves its going to cause people to not want to deal with them period we are going to wind up silencing them and driving them back into their corners from wence they came .Liberals are just pushing everyone back into the old ways its counter productive to be a leftists in this country today . People need to stop being so dman sensitive its a free country and you can say and be what you think who you want to be .Not everyone has to except what bruce jenner did not everyone is going to agree with it some are even going to be disgusted by it that's their right to do that no one has to like you .

character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.


Indeed - just as people are free to respond to homophobic and transphobic comments. Free country right? Why do you hate freedom of speech?


Transphobic? Is that a real word? Bwahahahaha!

You leftists need serious help.

The Peanuts Movie - Nov. 6
In the Heart of the Sea - Dec 11
Star Wars - Dec 18
13 Hours - 2016


Yes, it is a real word.

"Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?"


You're just mad because the man tells what he really thinks and doesn't play this PC crap.


So, if a person thinks another person doesn't deserve an award for being trans, the first person is a hater?

Wow, you regressive leftists are incredibly tolerant.

