MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > I feel like she deserved a better career...

I feel like she deserved a better career.

She's beautiful, obviously, but she is also quite a talented comedic actress. So, why does she usually end up in the supporting roles in comedies while people like her Sweetest Thing co-star Cameron Diaz get the lead roles?

Now, to be fair, she has done well. She was an iconic teenage daughter on one of the greatest sitcoms ever, starred in her own TV shows, starred in some lower level films, played the female lead in Will Ferrell's funniest comedy, etc. But I feel like she should have been starring in those big Hollywood films. Not just supporting roles. Why did she never get that extra push that people like Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Katherine Heigl got?


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Many people in Hollywood deserved a better career.

Sadly all we get is the usual crap from Hollywood. Why have meaningful scripts if you can just substitute them with big explosions and expensive computer effects ? At least that seems to be what many Hollywood producers seem to think.

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Considering that most of the child actors/actresses wind up forgotten or dead,I think Christina has done pretty well for herself.Wish she'd do more serious movies,though.


If it appears that Applegate deserved a better career I think it's because of the industry's attitude toward women and to make things worse, their attitude toward women who are capable of being very funny as Applegate is.

Applegate is certainly able to pull off comedy. I watched her in "Anchorman" last night (a movie I hadn't seen in years) and I forgot how good she is (and how funny the movie is). Think of how crucial she is to "Anchorman": if she wasn't as good as she was (and didn't look the part) the movie's central premise would not have worked. I'm amazed at how she fit right in with everyone in the film. It would not have been nearly as good without her. She was perfect in it.

There are not enough actresses who can or are willing to do comedy. The actresses in "Bridesmaids" certainly were game but we don't get enough of them.


I think she has had a great career! I love her in everything she does. She is funny, beautiful, smart, and down to earth. I wish I could have seen her play Charity in "Sweet Charity" on Broadway - maybe if they remake the film!


down to earth I really would like to know why people keep praising people for being "down to earth".

My dictionary must be in error here, because in my language that translates to being basically boring.

Quite on the contrary, I think Christina Applegate is a very exciting woman.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


She is exciting. 'Down to Earth' means humble, sensible, genuine, and not on a high horse full of herself.
