Has a really funny twitter.
Kinda thinking of actually following it.
I mean, she's funny !
preggo share..woke up from nap,said "I need pizza" went back to nap, woke 30 min later, ate said pizza, went back to nap..
Who are these women who can wear a short dress while pregnant? Seriously congrats ladies, cuz it aint gonna happen over here. Yikes!
The Bundys were not real people..there I said it. Not real. Just actors. Brilliant actors if I say so myself haha..what's done is done.
I was named after that painting, well I was named after my moms dog that was named after that painting...so I was named after the painting:)
Mother effer! I spelled avocado wrong......moving on.
I eat so much avacado,I'm gonna turn into 1.then what? Who the hell is gonna hire a freakin avacado?
Being lazy until I have to get ready for the Do Something Awards..Then 6 hours of hair and makeup to make me look presentable.nah only 4:)
Would be the first twitter I found thats actually worth checking out.