Casey Affleck as the Riddler in Batman 3?
What do you think?
'People scare easier when they're dying'
Frank - Once Upon A Time In The West
What do you think?
'People scare easier when they're dying'
Frank - Once Upon A Time In The West
I'm not sure how people would react, but I think if he wanted to he could pull it off nicely. I'd definitely go see it just for him!!
shareOh, I wish!!!
sharejohnny deep would be the best riddler in batman 3.
sharei want to see that! casey is a great actor, so talented, in a good way, he will be a handsome geeky evil nerd. ( and that turns me on)
I would much rather see Casey play the riddle over Johnny Depp... Johnny would just do the same old Tim Burton odd character with the humour of Jack Sparrow... YAWWWNNNNN. It would be a completeley different direction for casey and I think he would pull it off brilliantly.
'People scare easier when they're dying'
Frank - Once Upon A Time In The West
1]Johnny is way way too busy for Batman 3
2]Johnny always plays quirky and twisted yet likeable characters. The Riddler is not like that, at all.
I think you'll find that the Riddler is a 'quirky and twisted yet likeable character'
Read a comic book.
I have read and there's not much that is "likeable" about The Riddler.