Anyone with any info on Michael Wincott's new film, Grand Street? He appears to have a leading role, but the part is marked "rumored" (as are the other actors), so it seems up in the air.

I'll be crossing my fingers that this gets made, and is a good role for him! Great to be seeing something new here!

Note: he is working again with Justin Evans of "A Lonely Place For Dying", but it appears the project is an 8 minute short subject and not a feature length film. It is also a western and described as "a comedy".


Well, I am answering my own question here, but a short Google search on the lead actress turned this up:


In this article by Charitybuzz it confirms Charlotte Riley has a role in the new movie Grand Street,it gives the plot details and you can even bid for a walk-on role in the movie!

Always wanted to be part of the next indie sleeper…now it’s possible! With a cult following in the UK, Charlotte Riley and Tom Byam Shaw are starring in the upcoming feature film Grand Street written and directed by Lex Sidon.

Almost a year after rejecting Amory “Amo” Percy’s deeply personal screenplay, assistant film executive Camilla Reilly finds herself without a job, a boyfriend, or a place to live. By chance, she meets up again with Amo at a downtown party and spends a life-changing 24 hours in his company. From underworld haunts to the upscale reaches of uptown Manhattan, theirs is an odyssey through a restless city in retrograde — an ageless, timeless, polymorphous landfill of drugs, poseurs, and perceptions. Amo’s past and Camilla’s destiny intersect in this fateful love story that alters both of their paths forever.

Shooting starts on April 11th, 2011 and ends May 13th.


Someone might want to check out that "bid for a walk-on role" in the film!


There is a website for the new filmm, called -- relatively little information on it, but the director Lex Sidon has worked in music videos. Michael Wincott is not yet mentioned on the site, but it's pretty bare bones so far.

In theory, this is filming right as we speak! so who knows....


There was a tweet by an actor named Adam Ciesielski about 3 weeks ago where he said and I quoted "Big audition, opposite Michael Wincott." Unfortunately, he's been pretty mum since then. I wonder if this could be the same movie??


Thanks Belladante: you always seem to be ahead of the curve! where do you get these tweets?

I think it must have been this, the movie is filming NOW, but does not "confirm" that Michael Wincott is absolutely in it; it only says "rumored".


I sure hope so as I miss Mr. Wincott on the big screen! As for the tweet, my Twitter app has a search engine so I occassionly search for Michael to see what others are saying about him. Usually it's not much but you never know what you might find!


I haven't heard anything from my little birds about this, but sometimes they keep their beaks tight for a reason. So I don't push for songs.

If you find out any more definitive details, let us know.

Laura, webmistress,


Little birds sang to me at my window this morning and told me that Michael does make an appearance in this project.
(A brief scene with both leads. He wears a nice suit, and spring in NYC is lovely.)
Then they thanked you for your interest and support and flew away.

Laura, webmistress,


Happy to hear he's in something new, but I'm tired to see him making cameos or short movies.
I don't mean a leading role (which would be fantastic), but at least a supporting part.
He deserves so much more than this.
I still wonder why he didn't make Detachment...

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