Hi nana
I don't if your ever see this but,here goes.
I looked up your sites but,there haven't been updated in ages.
I have always been a huge fan of yours you have such passion that you put into your characters you play.
I must say as renfro you were awesome,totally shocked me,straight away i thought
what a bitch,in a nice way as a bad guy /woman.You gave renfro such depth,the way you & jessica seem to click was awesome.
My favourite scenes are with you in hit a back little sista.goodline Mr Smith -your wife is a genectic engineered soldier who escaped from a secret goverment lab and your in terrible danger just awesome.that made me laugh....
Did you and jessica ever end up laughing when you had those close up scenes.
I know you were doing chicago! whats next on the agenda i wished you could of been in dark angel longer you made it more enjoyable than it was already was /is
I know you left coz of your children & family is very important ,i will miss you.
I live in the u.k & wondered is there any chance you may come over to do a convention as i'd love to shake your hand i'm not a freak or insane person just think there are not many actors/actress that as good as you are espeacially when it comes to sci-fi...
[email protected]