MovieChat Forums > Nana Visitor Discussion > she has a double!!

she has a double!!

Is it just me, or does Nana Visitor look the spitting image of Frenchie from Grease?
when i was watching Deep Space Nine with my bro we both mentioned that Frenchie is looking good after a long absence from the screen. we looked her up on imdb only to find they are different people, apparently not related, but born 6 months apart on oposite sides of New York! co-incidence? you be the judge...

Ah Benson, dear Benson, You are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence


Didi Conn (Frenchy) was born in 1951, while Nana was born in 1957. That's a bit more than six months apart, but is actually 6 years apart.


My mistake, it was a slip of the tongue. Apologies to all.
I still think the two are scarily similar, age difference and all.


I just think that she really looks like Alyssa Milano from Charmed


You are right! I too think she looks like Frenchie. That was my first thought when I saw her.


Ah-HA! I was watching just now and there was something about Nana that was so familiar that I got up and came here and I was confused when I didn't recognize anything else she's been in. But that's it--Frenchie! Wow, the resemblance is uncanny!


She also looks like a young Shirley MacLaine. They have a similar walk and shoulders. I suspect it has to do with being a dance.

"Being an outsider isn't so bad. It gives one a unique perspective."
-- Odo Star Trek: Deep Space 9


I agree they look alike!


i've seen nana in person twice and she does NOT look like alyssa milano. she is an awesome guest at star trek conventions, though. and, yes, she looks great for her age (50).
