First, I don't trust Mayors Against Illegal Guns as far as I can throw them. The name of their group alone is a complete joke. The only people who are FOR illegal guns are violent criminals.
Let me guess, MAIG didn't include Fort Hood as a gun-free zone shooting, because there ARE guns on a military base (even though the soldiers aren't allowed to carry them). Those soldiers were defenseless fish in a barrel and Hassan knew that better than anyone.
Second, James Holmes alone debunks MAIG's so-called findings, as he carefully planned his attack well in advance for maximum effect. He was very clear that he wanted as many dead as possible before the police showed up.
He went out of his way, eschewing a much closer theater to his apartment that was playing the exact same movie with the exact same show time. That theater did not have a "No Guns" policy. The one he chose, that was farther away, clearly did.
Third, that Mother Jones claim is absurd on the face of it. How exactly do they know that a whacko who walked into a school to kill little children, and who died in the process, and left no note, didn't target it because he was certain his victims were going to be unarmed? What, Lanza thought elementary school children might be packing heat? And Mother Jones claims to know Lanza's innermost thoughts with 100% certainty? Where on earth is your B.S. detector?
I'm personally unfamiliar with a single mass shooting in a location where guns were allowed, but you're telling me that 75% of them fit that description? I'd appreciate a few examples, if you have them.
Mass shooters, in almost every case, give up the moment they are confronted by someone else with a gun -- by either killing themselves, or pulling a Holmes. This isn't consistent behavior for people who are "completely unconcerned" about whether or not their intended victims are armed. But it also should cause you to ask yourself, "If a psychopathic murderer with tons of ammo is intent on killing as many people as possible, but is also willing to put a bullet in his head at the first sight of another gun, why do I desperately want to prevent law-abiding citizens from having guns?"