You are correct, it was the first time i saw Her and realized how special she is. I felt a connection to her that i couldn't explain, but thought was just simple infatuation with a celebrity i'd never know. Over the years i read and watched almost every interview i could, including this one, and realized many similarities in our lives like our close proximity in birth dates, in experiences, in philosophy, in spirituality, in loyalty, in humanity, and in caring for our world,....not to mention or Libra/Sagittarius compatibility,.... and it led me to reach out and attempt to contact her now. I traveled to New York for the Millenium in 99 and visited her borough and felt as if i was at a home i had never been to. But i knew at that moment, that back then i saw Her, i saw the Marisa that few saw in the early days,..... and i know it's the most unlikely thing in the world, but i thought "Why not, we're both looking for the same thing, why not try". Marisa and I have both been through a lot in our lives, and i'm not someone who's not a realist,... i might die at 80 and never have this turn into anything, but at least i'll know i tried.
Hope that answers your question.
P.S. M ,....i've got that Bike, and the time, and means to make that trip happen, it would be my honor to make that real for you,