MovieChat Forums > Dominique Swain Discussion > Dominique Swain: Better than Kirstin Dun...

Dominique Swain: Better than Kirstin Dunst.

Dominique Swain, although sharing similar characteristics to Miss Dunst, in my opinion is the far superior actress and is much more attractive also. She takes many more risks, with more demanding, unique, and challenging roles. Let us also not forget that she was the titular star of the Lolita remake. A film that was much better than the original ( no disrespect to you, Mr. Kubrick. Few movies have ever elicited such a cathartic experience as that one. Every time I watch it, I bawl my eyes out like a baby. Lately, Kirsten Dunst movies just put me to sleep.


Kirsten looks younger. I know Dominique is a couple of years younger than I, but I look at least 5 years, if not 10, years younger. Maybe it's just the photos I've seen, but for a film actress, that is a problem for her. Looking young matters in Hollywood, and that's not working out for her.
