MovieChat Forums > Dominique Swain Discussion > Looks Mannish In Alpha Dog

Looks Mannish In Alpha Dog

I loved her in Lolita, loved her in Face-Off, have always thought she was attractive, but when I saw Alpha Dog, I couldn't help but notice how manly her arms are! She needs to lay off the weights. Not a good look. Her shoulders are wide and broad, and she has the look of a tranny. She's already slender, she shouldn't have to use heavy weights.

Don't get me *bleeping* started!


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Her body looked amazing in that movie. Especially her legs...and her stomach. I don't know what movie YOU saw; what I saw was all good!


I kind of agree about her arms

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


yeah. definite man arms.


Gotta go with Early on this one. She looked GOOD!


Jdun- you are probably obese and eat cake for breakfast. You wouldnt know what a pretty healthy body was if it stole your cheeseburger! I would take her body in aplha dog any day, over most of the anarexic freak twigs in hollywood.


i agree with op on this one. her arms were to muscle-y and when she started screaming her muscles would pop out even more, it was gross. she looked like a man in a wig.


Yeah I noticed that too. She has verrrry broad shoulders.
