Most over-rated actress of all-time.
Blasphemy here on the Meryl Streep page, but where else can I engage others who, no doubt, feel so strongly about her.
Streep is the epitome of our culture: flash and no substance. (horror!) Yes, that's right, I said, "No substance." You can SEE her acting every moment on the damn screen. She has her moments, no doubt. She is not completely without talent. But is she the "greatest actress of all time."? Not even close.
She can't do comedy. What is WORSE, than watching her do comedy? What is more painful? I would rather remove my own gall bladder with an oyster fork than watch another minute of her doing comedy.
Her drama is one note. Then the same note again. Then again, and again, and again. In other words, she has a range from A to B.
I don't know how this all started, this "Streep Worship" -- oh, yes, I do. Sophie's Choice. The film had such an emotional impact that we overlooked her superficiality and believed it was HER that was making us feel horror, rather than coming from ourselves at the characters plight. Then we ascribed it to her acting, of all the absurdities.
Okay, let me have it. Bring it on!
No personal attacks, please. Keep it polite and technical.