Two things.
First, I don't like Trump. I am glad Americans chose him over Hillary only because Hillary's husband turned the place where I live into a war zone when I was 12.
Second, yes, many of her Oscar nominations are for cheap mediocre films. Check her filmography if you don't believe me:
'Into the Woods' - 6/10 IMDb, 6.6/10 Rotten Tomatoes, 69 Metacritic, 50 million budget - a cheap mediocre movie, in other words. I loved that one, though.
'August: Osage County' - 7.2/10 IMDb, 6.4/10 RT, 58 MC, 25 million - another cheap mediocre movie.
'The Iron Lady' - 6.4/10 IMDb, 5.7/10 RT, 54 MC, 13 million - another cheap mediocre movie.
Those are her last three Oscar nominated movies. Do you know how many of the movies she was nominated for are in IMDb's top 250? One - 'The Deer Hunter', where she played a supporting role. With so many Oscar nominations and awards, one would expect to see more of her movies to be there.
She rarely stars in risky expensive movies. I think 'Into the Woods' is her most expensive movie made over the last decade or so, and it costs less than 'Deadpool' - and 'Deadpool' was praised for being a great low budget action movie.
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