MovieChat Forums > Meryl Streep Discussion > Question for the anti-Trumpers!

Question for the anti-Trumpers!

And not a sarcastic one either. I'd really like to know.

Since the Trump-induced Massive Moonbat Meltdown began in 2016 and has gotten bigger in 2017, I've been wondering: Why the intense rage against Trump? I'm a libertarian, so I have my own problems with Trump, although I preferred him to Queen Cacklepants, the Alinskyite Witch. (At least Trump leaves me with guns and gold.)

The way "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-trip[ping State fellators") and the OWS canaille are reacting, you'd think America had elected an actual anti-statist president. Are they really worried he'll threaten the "liberal" plunderbund?* (Good news for those of us on the pro-freedom side, if true.)

They act like Trump is some kind of dictator, but if he were, wouldn't that make him even MORE of a statist, and therefore, in their lights, a Good Guy? I mean, the Left has been fawning over dictators since the days of Lenin. And I wouldn't be surprised if the older of the Trump haters had at one time Che Guevara t-shirts, or posters of Mao and Fidel on their walls. In the Cold War they were certainly the commissars' "useful idiots." Or is it simply question of "my statism is better than Trump's statism?" I'd actually like to know.

*A useful term coined by the late Leonard Read of the Foundation for Economic Education.


Why the intense rage against Trump?
Because as a man with the mental maturity of a 12-year old, he is unfit to hold any sort of office.

Because with over 70 pending lawsuits at the time of the election, he is unfit to be president.

Because of the 3500 lawsuits in his wake before he ran for office.

Because of his incitements to violence.

Because of his fear-mongering.

Because it is only reasonable to assume that he is going to run the country the way he has run his business ventures (you do what you know, after all), and that is with bullying, strong-arming, railroading, cheating and corruption - and even in business, that is no way to succeed in the long run (as his massive debts and bankruptcies testify).

Because of his attempts, as president, to circumvent the checks and balances.

The list is longer than I can think of from the top of my head.


Thanks, but I was looking for something more than a by-the-numbers regurgitation of the party line(s).


Not going to happen. They are incapable of breaking their programming. 


Actually, Karl, let me put it to you this way: if Trump has all the personal flaws you list, but he was a socialist and gun-grabber, would you still be against him?


Actually, Karl, let me put it to you this way: if Trump has all the personal flaws you list, but he was a socialist and gun-grabber, would you still be against him?
Why wouldn't I? A despicable person is a despicable person, whether left or right. And Trump isn't a classic Republican, either (though he is certainly a conservative). I only hoped Hillary would win because Trump is even worse. I didn't want her to win because I wanted to see her as POTUS. Had any of the other Republican candidates won the Republican nomination, I might easily have preferred them over Hillary. Well, maybe not Ted Cruz. I was not the least bit happy about Hillary winning the DMC nomination. And if Bernie had won that nomination, I don't think we'd be having this conversation.


You are wanting something other than the obvious, factually correct answer of, "He's not a liberal.", right?

I love my SIL, but while she claims to be a feminist, the ONLY women she ever supports are liberal.


"You are wanting something other than the obvious, factually correct answer of, 'He's not a liberal.', right?

Of course, "just." I mean, you know it and I know it, but it's fun watching the Moonbats spin. I'd love it if they were, for once, just honest: "We're mad at Trump because we were expecting to put the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua into the White House, and continue the Red Diaper Baby's good work of transforming the US into Venezuela del Norte. But Trump ruined our fun!"

If a real anti-statist ever got elected president, they'd probably all do some Jonestown thing. Hey, not a bad idea . . .


You are wanting something other than the obvious, factually correct answer of, "He's not a liberal.", right?
You are projecting so much it is really starting to get painful. You are the one who hates everything liberal because it is liberal, and love the conservative because it is conservative. In every post you make, you make that abundantly clear. And yet you pretend that this is a liberal character trait.
