Doesn’t Look 90

75 tops


I've said that for a while. He does look many years younger.


I'm sure he's spent a fortune on plastic surgery to look younger.


He's had artificial hair for a long time which makes him look younger. If he had his natural bald head you'd think he looks his age.


Like Patrick Stewart who's always looked older than his actual age.


Even his plumpness and potbelly defy the physique of a 90 year old. When we start to decline we either die of obesity related diseases and heart problems associated with them before we hit 80 or lose weight. He looks like a well-fed 65 year old man.

To me the biggest difference is that he still has his silky voice and while it has been crackling a bit these past few years if you hear someone like Clint Eastwood and Robert Duvall who are the same age they both sound like they struggle to put sentences together.


Very good points


Yeah - Cap. Picard also has that Clint Eastwood voice of an ancient man - him, i kinda get - he used his voice to its full power in theater, so it is bound to get worn out. Clint Eastwood though - a man of few words - yet, here we are. Then again, he used to speak so little, perhaps this was his voice all along - lol


He is remarkably well preserved.
