MovieChat Forums > Tom Selleck Discussion > Tom Selleck should be on NCIS as Magnum

Tom Selleck should be on NCIS as Magnum

I think they should bring tom magnum onto NCIS (JAG would have been nice too)
Think about Magnum was a navy seal/part of naval intelligence. I shouldn't be
to hard to work him into a story that Gibbs and co. investigates. Both are
Bellisario so they even kinda exist in the same universe


I always thought he should play a Captain and former SEAL in Navy Intel who has a history with Gibbs (A secret and positive history as they are friends) with a similar name... something like Ted Remington or something, but have Selleck play him just like Magnum. Tony keeps going nuts over the similarities between him and magnum and asks him if he ever saw the show. He says no, and tony goes on about how he could have never heard of the show that it was one of Bellisario's best shows. At the mention of the name Remington makes a passing comment at the end of the show that he knew a former former marine sergeant with that name back in the day. Tony is about to say something when Gibbs says "come one DiNozzo" and they leave with tony trying to ask more questions and Gibbs having that *beep* eating grin on his face.
