MovieChat Forums > Tom Selleck Discussion > LOL @ the people who think hes sexy

LOL @ the people who think hes sexy

man the guy is a total macho dope with a really bad stache and one the most unintentionally funniest TV shows in history! the comments im reading are makin me laugh.

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!


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Obviously, you haven't finished your schooling, if your poor writing skills didn't betray you, your lack of understanding subjectivity does. What one considers sexy is subjective, check you English book. What us proper grammar is not subjective.

Odd that you didn't share with us whom you consider to be sexy. Opinions, another word you should learn, are not necessarily fact nor fiction.


It's ironic that lottapaws is scolding someone else for poor writing skills and grammar.


...unintentionally funniest"Campy"?

Somebody say, "Is there funk after death?"
Yeah, P.Funk!


Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................if u think so dip


Too much for you, huh? So if you don't think he's sexy...then who do you think is sexy?


From the looks of the OP's inability to write a coherent statement, he/she may be a big Bieber fan.
