MovieChat Forums > Liev Schreiber Discussion > It should have been him and not Affleck....

It should have been him and not Affleck.

You know what I'm talking about. Liev would make an excellent Batman. A much better one than Affleck. I don't hate Ben, I just don't think he's the right choice.

Or maybe neither if their going to do the actual comic. He's suppose to be old. Very old in fact.


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I started to disagree, mostly because of his build, but then I thought about the costume leak, where they made Afflek look, well, sort of stocky, so I guess you're right. He would be great. Liev is a much better actor, that's for sure.


Yeah, Liev with 20 pounds of muscle, and he'd nail the role of Batman! Even if he'd not the perfect casting choice, he's still a 9/10 when it comes to matching the character profile of Bruce/Batman.

He'd be a great Two Face as well, but then he might be taller than Batman lol
