I think Redford is the last of his breed, a real movies star, fabulous looking guy with great acting ability. He also understands the science of movie making with is such obvious display in the Horse whisperer. He does not let his ego get out of control and he creates such intimacy in his set ups. My favourite of that particular movie being when he keeps his hand on Annies leg for a fraction of second too long and they make eye contact. Incredibly moving and sensual all created with the most subtle of touches. He also uses his star power for a postive purpose, speaking on environmental issues and policts which effect us all. He has great charisma and warmth when speaking and is an "attractvie soul" very much in the same way as Kevin Spacey has. I personally think with Brando the myth has always overshadowed the actor. In my opinion he made a handfull of great performances, obviously The Godfather performance stands totall alone. An incredible performance where the actor totally disapeared behind the character and even the slightest nuance was captured, from the gesture of his hand to a facial expression.
With todays actors the only one who comes close in my opinion in Russel Crowe. When you see his perfomances in Gladiator, A beautiful mind and Master and Commander, you see three totally diffrent personas as apposed to an actor playing an extension of his persona.
Anyway I digress totally, Redford is a total movie star in all its forms.