Best role?

Sad to hear of his death, but there's no denying, he was a brilliant actor. Never really had many leading roles, but no matter how big or small the role, he more often than not put in a great performance. And sometimes he was the best thing in a crappy movie.

Favourite film role? I'd have to say it's between "In The Name Of The Father" or "Brassed Off". Although, his small but pivotal role of Kobayashi in "The Usual Suspects" was also quite good, and surprisingly, in the crapfest that was "Lost World: Jurassic Park", I also enjoyed his performance.

"Saddle up, let's get this moveable feast under way!"


His meatiest role (also taking into account screen time) would have to be In the Name of the Father but he was one of the great character actors of postwar English-speaking cinema and as recently as The Town, he proved it yet again.

The empires of the future will be empires of the mind.
