Happy Birthday Pete


http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


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Happy Birthday Pete! You are missed so very much. It is a beautiful day knowing that sixty five years ago you came into this world. The strength and beauty of you lives on in each of us Pete. I celebate your life and I celebrate the beauty of YOU!! :) We have your magnificent performances to remind us of your amazing talent and the strength and beauty of your character. Heaven is a much more beautiful place beacause you are there. Thank you for sharing your life with us. We hold the memory of you especially close today. God bless you and your family always. Love, Gretchen


Happy Birthday and RIP

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Happy Birthday Pete your were a great actor


Happy Birthday!
Your performance in James And The Giant Peach will forever be in my memory, truly unforgetful! RIP
