Crazy wikipedia info-- eats turtles?
I was randomly looking up stuff on wikipedia and I came across Luke Perry's page. I'm assuming the following info from his wikipedia entry MUST be a joke, but it struck me as pretty bizarre and a little funny....?
"In August 2007, Perry admitted to having an addiction to the meat of the endangered green sea turtle, and that at the height of his career he sometimes consumed two or three turtles a day - each having cost him an estimated $20,000. Said Perry, "I really didn't care how much they cost. I just had to have that sweet, delicious turtle meat every minute of every day." "
Has anyone else ever seen that on his wikipedia page? I'm just imagining someone sneakily editing the page with that odd info and snickering, wondering if someone would ever find it....
Or- was he a turtle eater and I'm just oblivious? :P