MovieChat Forums > Sarah Jessica Parker Discussion > She is just frighteningly ugly

She is just frighteningly ugly

I have no idea why they try to cast her in sexy roles. Just enough to make you gag.


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Sarah has a great body. Beautiful blue eyes. And she is not ugly.


She definitly is. You need to get your eyes checked, seriously.


I always thought of her as very sexy.


It's like if they keep on putting her in these rolls eventually you'll buy into the myth that she's hot. She looks like an old sea hag.


What the @#$%#$ are you talking about? Her body is as gross as her face.

As the years pass she is looking more and more anorexic. This is NOT an attractive look.

Check out this video if you want to see what I mean:

She is an incredibly unattractive woman.


It is funny how nearly all the woman on these boards think she is attractive, & the men think she gross. I expect the woman say this as she is no challenge physically to them, whilst men see her physically. As a man I think she is gross & reminds me of a horse.


I think women may find her attractive because Sarah has that very very slim figure that Hollywood and the fashion industry pushes on everyone - and women have bought into that message that THEY should be bone-rack thin - and they think Sarah IS what is sexy - but men react to her about how they actually FEEL about her.
