To All Mean Posters

I'm really astounded at the amount of insulting and hateful posts on this board. For no good reason at all.

A few questions all of you ignorant folk should reflect upon:

- What do you all look like?
- Have you ever been bullied, ridiculed and hated because of your looks and how did you feel?
- What have you accomplished in life?

Do you realise that the majority of so-called "hot" and "gorgeous" celebrities rely on expensive plastic surgery to correct all that needs and doesn't need correcting.

Sarah Jessica Parker hasn't done that. Despite haters like you, she has the amazing self confidence and self respect to keep her natural looks. Yes, she could have had a nose job or jaw job for example, which would have saved her from your vicious attacks on. As a woman and an actress she will always be scrutinised and judged severely by people like you. Yet she is able to face all that BS and not do a thing to appease your superficial standards.

She has great charisma, energy, is talented, and also seems quite down to earth. She has achieved a lot professionally and NOT based on looks.

So there, she has my full respect and admiration and for that I find her beautiful.
