I personally have to diasagree totally. I have seen both the remake and the original Sabrina, and to me Julia was the superior Sabrina. In the remake, there is really a significant transformation in Sabrina. We see her as the shy, almost stalkerish little girl, whose obsession with David is beyond all reason. She has sort of built him up in her mind like most sheltered, yet highly creative girls do with their would-be Prince Charming. I didn't get this from the orginal Sabrina. she was a bit unconcerned, and the whole Chef thing just underplayed her supposedly newfound sophistication even further. Bogey, one of the greatest actors in history also totally ruined the original with his disregard for the material and his total lack of affection for Hepburn. We don't feel that he is softened by her presence in his life, we don't feel that there is finally something that Linus actually has found he needs beyond everything else. Harrison conveys this not only convincingly, but his begrudging besottedness for Julia as Sabrina is effective and is played spot on. Ah, greg, I love Greg; he plays the one character I didn't have a problem with in either film. Kinear should have gotten his due credit years ago.
TO be honest, I thnk many people love the original so much because of the Iconic actors involved in the picture. It's like the Oceans Twelve of the '50's; we love the actors so much that we can't admit the the film was adequate at best, but in no way spectacular.
I also don't think you can compare Julia's beauty to Audrey's, although IMO, Julia wins hands down. I think also, some of us get blinded by Audrey almost otherowrldly perfect fashion sense, rather than her actual physical beauty.