health class

i dont know who this guy is, but in health class we watched 2 movies with him in quest and the band played on. dont know why but we did. i think my health teacher is obsessed with him or sumthing.

Does this mean I'm knighted? Or did I just get queened?


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HAHAHAHA! He is good! And sexy too.

Aaahh, my Precioussssssss


I watched "And the Band Played On" in health class (seems like eons ago, but it was 8 years ago). Phenomenal film! Totally fits with health class as it educates on the history of AIDs and how stimatized and misunderstood it was.

As for "Vision Quest"...? That's an odd choice.

"Ba-na-na: A yellow fruit. Also a pudding. A delicious pudding."
