Hey Kids! Don't Wear Helmets!
Modine: "I use the bike as someone uses a car - to get around... I get s**t for that a lot of times because I don't assume that I'm going to get hurt. Should we wear helmets when we walk down the sidewalk? I think that people that wear helmets, cars are a little more aggressive with them.
"(Natasha Richardson, who suffered a brain trauma while taking skiing lessons in Canada after declining to wear a helmet) was a great friend of mine. She barely banged her head and it cost her life. I think it gave us all pause. Think how many times you've banged your head in your lifetime... I think that biking is the closest we come to flying."
Okay, Gary Busey II, you twist and spin to come up with whatever idiot excuse you need. I'll be sure to leave a dump on your grave.
I'm just grateful that you're such an unknown that the only people who'd imitate you need to be out of the gene pool anyway.