MovieChat Forums > Matthew Modine Discussion > Modine drops the 'N' bomb on TV

Modine drops the 'N' bomb on TV

Forget right/wrong, context or whatever. Does anyone even care? I just found out about this so apparently Modine, even using a racially charged term can't get much press. This does not bode well for a career comeback.

I'm a black person, so don't start with the "YEW R RASIST" followed by a thick block of text riddled with toggle type, poor grammar and typos. I'm actually curious if anyone has any thoughts about his "outburst". I don't know why they are calling it that. He was quoting someone else, and while it seemed a bit of a poor choice and kind of sad in that "I NEED ATTENTION" kind of way, it didn't jump out at me as the uninhibited musing of a frothing at the mouth racist.

Also when the subject has been discussed (on TMZ or whatever) people keep pointing out that he OMGCANTBERACIST because his wife is black. So I went and looked at a picture. I'm not really sure where people are getting this information from. Also, wouldn't he have played the "black wife" card before he dropped the "n-bomb".

I mean when I make dorky comments about tall, nerdy white guys, I always preface it by saying that I am allowed to because I'm married to one.


"In real life just as in Grand Opera, arias only make hopeless situations worse."


im not sure i understand what your trying to say. is it that he said the n word, but also that his wife is black? does that even matter if she is or she isnt. are only black people and people married to black people allowed to use the word. i dont understand racism. who comes up with all the rules and decideds what and what isnt racist. are white people allowed to say if something is or isnt or can black people overturn a white persons decision? if a white guy uses the N word and a black person says he is racist what happens if a japanease guy says he wasnt racist? or what about if an indian guy complains about 50cent using the N word in his songs does that make 50 racist?



also, his wife is so not black. maybe 1/128th somewhere down the line, but looks more hispanic to me if anything...


She's black. Hispanic, once again, means you're from a Spanish speaking nation and/or is your native language, it's not an ethnicity.


I believe his wife is from somewhere in South America, perhaps Argentina? I'm not sure. She is NOT African American.


No, she's not African-American. Just because someone is Black doesn't automatically mean they are African-American. There are many people of African descent in South America. If you look at pictures of her, she obviously a Black Latina. In many pictures, she has a short Afro. She's Black Latina, but even so, it doesn't excuse his use of the term.


Yes, but you can say someone looks 'French' based on facial characteristics that a lot of white french people have. Obviously the French Population has a large amount of Black people as well as Eastern European (who can look markedly different). Does this make saying someone looks 'French' wrong? No, of course not.

What's the difference?


Context doesn't matter at all?

You're one smart cookie there, fella.


That wasn't directed at me, right?
