THIS is the big women's rights activist?
THIS is the big women's rights activist?
She's a raging hypocrite whose views on rights has changed since she's aged.
shareShe's a hypocrite for sure, but I would be willing to bet she was a big time liberal feminist all along.
She is now claiming the moral high ground by saying feminism means you can be as trashy as you want and nobody can say a word because it's their choice. The same thing Lena Dunham and that other chubby blonde are making big time money on.
Same old song and dance women in Hollywood sing when they get older. They don't mind cashing the checks for their looks, but when that dries up all of a sudden they are these social crusaders to rectify all the "sexism" in Hollywood.
It's just a fact. Always has been, always will be....women without much talent can get hired on their looks. No matter what McGowan or anyone says, it will always be this way. It's just part of nature, and it's not just men. Look at the Kardashians and others, it's not men who are keeping them famous, it's women.
You know, every time I see a pic of her with Manson I'm reminded how obsessed with anal sex he was / is. I'll just leave that out there.