MovieChat Forums > Rose McGowan Discussion > I bet she voted for Trump....

I bet she voted for Trump....

If Hitlery had won, all she would have been able to complain about is Hollywood.

Now that Trump has won she has 4 years to promote her nutty SJW hate and will find a willing audience I am sure.

What a great time in 'Merica! Just when you think the Rose McGowans and the freaky left hippies and feminazis and PC thought control were taking over......good ole normal Americans rose up and tore them a new one.

Let the McGowans of the world holler and hold their breath.

FINALLY, there really is some common sense still in this country.

Lest you nutty people want to go all crazy, I'm not a loony Trump can do no wrong guy. Yes, I voted for him, but I know he is flawed. But, I'd take him any day over Hitlery and the nutty McGowans of the world.

What I am most happy about, We The People finally stood up and said enough of the PC SJWs hippie kooky enviro left wing Nazis.


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I'll tell you what I'm not impressed with: Trump going back on many of his campaign promises. Those platforms were the reason I voted for him. No one's laughing now...


I understand.

What is funny about all the Trump hatred going on is he is not really a typical conservative. A lot of the best of him is he was not Clinton and it was great to give the finger to the sold their soul to the left media.

It's going to be an interesting 4 years. The way I look at it, even though there will be some things he will back off on, it's already a win to see the lefty media and these nutty celebs going crazy because that means we did something right in this election if they are so unhinged.


Is KingLonChaneyJr your sock account?



trumpf talked all of this BS during his campaign, but he's beginning to find out that actually becoming president is a whole different ball game (it's an actual job,for one thing) and that most presidents aren't able to keep all of their campaign promises for various reasons. Basically, he wasn't prepared to be president at all, and he's going to have to deal with the reality and the fact that he can not run the country like he runs his businesses. (Given his track record of bankruptcies, that's not a very comforting thought.) He will also have to go through Congress to get things done, and not throw a fit/tantrums like a spoiled child every time he dosen't get his way. Meanwhile, those of us who didn't vote for him will sit back and watch as this idiot runs this country into the damn ground, thanks to the idiots like you who did, and who actually believed his "I'm just like one of you" bull****. You just basically entrusted the country to an idiot fool who dosen't even know or have the slightest clue as to what the fck he's even doing. And you whining on and on about Clinton---whether you like it or not, she was still far more qualified to take the office than this ignorant,stupid loudmouth blowhard fool---he's be lucky if he makes it through the first year.

McGowan made it clear that she can't stand trumpf (I can't either.)


trumpf talked all of this BS during his campaign, but he's beginning to find out that actually becoming president is a whole different ball game (it's an actual job,for one thing) and that most presidents aren't able to keep all of their campaign promises for various reasons.

How is he "beginning to find out" he can't keep his campaign promises? Seems like he has been more President since his election than Obama.

Clinton---whether you like it or not, she was still far more qualified to take the office than this ignorant,stupid loudmouth blowhard fool

Exactly how is she so qualified? She lived off her husband. Benghazi. Her stupid idea to install that email server in her house. She was so corrupt.

The only great quality of her was shaking down countries and people for millions.

And, if she is so qualified, why couldn't she trounce this so called buffoon in this election? Save your fingers, I know the answer....racism, sexism, and all the other isms.

McGowan made it clear that she can't stand trumpf (I can't either.)

That seals the deal. He is definitely the best choice.


Yes, giving people equal rights is nutty, in the Trump-verse.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ
