MovieChat Forums > Malcolm McDowell Discussion > Damn,He was Hot back in the Clockwork Or...

Damn,He was Hot back in the Clockwork Orange Days

Back in the Clockwork orange days,malcom Mcdowell was pretty hot.But seriously,if I was 16 in at that time I would like Head over heel for him and screaming his bloody name. Over the years he has aged poorly, but of course the redeeming quality of one of our greatest actors keeps him timeless.


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I was just thinking that! Right on, man!


As hot in the 70's as terrible looking in the 00's.
My Gosh, he's only 64 and looks like he's 80 or something.
I wonder how come he aged so bad.


He certainly was hot in the 70's (and 80's!).

Well, age'll do that to ya, folks...I still think he's got pretty eyes :D.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


He was pretty hot in if...

A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent


looked great in the 70s, horrible now but coke will do that to you


Damn !Dammit HOT hahaha))


SO HOT in ACO. I LOVE his eyes.
