MovieChat Forums > Malcolm McDowell Discussion > Hardest working man in show business?

Hardest working man in show business?

Malcolm McDowell is currently involved in 17 different movie projects as of 10/07/2014.

This is the most I have ever seen for a main-stream actor.

Any one else seen more prolific individual yearly work output?


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Eric Roberts and Danny Trejo disagree with you

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


Eric Roberts is likely to break some sort of record before he's done. I imagine he started just saying "yes" to everything several years ago when flat broke from spending it all on drugs and partying (by his own admission). Now that his head seems on straight, he must just love burying himself in his work and keeping super busy, because he's in an incredible amount of projects.


Thanks for the tip. That's just insane. I don't think Eric Roberts must sleep - He's gonna burn out for sure.
