Her Husband

Did you see him at the Emmys? Wow. He was a major hottie.


Is he younger than her?

Act like a woman and man up!


He looks younger than her...but I'm not sure. All I know is they look good together and did well for each other.


He's gorgeous. Julianna's a lucky lady.


He is eight years younger than she is and an attorney.


She was on a late night talk show and talked about her husband's eclectic tastes in music and that he had so fondness for the music of German singer Max Raabe. She surprised him with a trip to Berlin to see his concert. Unfortunately, when Raabe performs in Germany, he sings only in German so Julianna and her husband didn't understand one word of what he was singing.

I looked him up on Youtube and watched a few videos and took an instant liking to his singing. He's got an old school sound. I love it! "You're the cream in my coffee", and "Dream A Little Dream Of Me".... And other,songs: Love them. So glad I happened to see that interview!
