MovieChat Forums > Rob Lowe Discussion > How much surgery has he had?

How much surgery has he had?

He's looking a bit odd these days..I've been looking at some pictures and he looks a bit plastic?! He must of had botox or something.
It's ridiculous, why did he do that?

I Rob Pattinson ..
Remember Me: 12/03/10


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I think he looks alright on brothers and sisters but then I come on here and some of the pictures look awful! Definitely had too much work done!


Can anyone back this up? I'm just curious because I caught him on Oprah around 2006 - she remarked how he never aged and his reply to that was his family has fantastic genes.

So either he's not being completely honest or maybe he has had work done since his Oprah appearance.(?)


It is called good genes. Him and I are around the same age and people take me for 10 yrs younger.

I was still getting carded at age 30 when trying to buy alcohol.

You hate when you're young and have a baby face, but it pays off later on.


"Good genes"?! haha! His face is stretched like a rubber band!


I honestly don't think he's had any. He's just got good genes.


hahahahaha. Good genes.
Good genes made his chin look like that?

I have been talking about his chin implant (or whatever) for forever!
At first I just innocently asked if something had happened
(didn't want to be rude in case he had been in some sort of tragic chin-related accident)

All I ended up doing was killing every board I asked about it on.
: (

Don't be an old sponge with hair hanging off of it.
