Does anyone feel he overacted at times?
Ok, before any fans here start berating me as some troll pariah, I would like to express that i happened to be a fan, and still a fan, of his lifelong work. I liked jack just as much as everyone else here did.He has the ability, with his clear voice and expression to express emotions that most actors can barely even convey without forcing themselves.
But does anyone feel that his acting style today would be considered a bit hammy or stylized by today's methods? I actually would like to see another Jack Lemmon type emerge in our dying Hollywood industry of cookie cutter actors and stars.
However, there were contemporaries of the late and great Mr. Lemmon like Richard Crenna who never quite had the accolades or showcase that he had. Mr. Crenna was every bit as good and appealing as an actor as Lemmon was and never garnered the same popularity.