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When I was 10 years old I was at a friend's house and we sort of flipped channels to watch cable movie channel Showtime against parental permission, and saw her. Ever since I'd had a crush on her for years later.
I'd always imagined her as being the most beautiful and ideal woman ever.
Then I sat through watching Chariots Of Fire repeatedly just to watch for her. Chariots Of Fire was very boring for my childlike attention span, but I watch as much as I could.
For years I used to flip though TV Guide, waiting to see if Ghost Stories would ever air on TV.

As a kid I didn't know much about England, or British people but she sort of peaked my attention from that point on.
When I think of her, I just think absolute beautiful woman.


When I was 10 years old I was at a friend's house and we sort of flipped channels to watch cable movie channel Showtime against parental permission, and saw her. Ever since I'd had a crush on her for years later.
I'd always imagined her as being the most beautiful and ideal woman ever.
Then I sat through watching Chariots Of Fire repeatedly just to watch for her. Chariots Of Fire was very boring for my childlike attention span, but I watch as much as I could.
For years I used to flip though TV Guide, waiting to see if Ghost Stories would ever air on TV.

As a kid I didn't know much about England, or British people but she sort of peaked my attention from that point on.
When I think of her, I just think absolute beautiful woman.
