Meeting Don Johnson back in the 80's
Back in the mid 80s my Dad used to belong to a country club called Lakeside in Toluca Lake Southern California. A lot of actors were members. I remember one day before going to the pool for a summer day and my Dad telling me Don Johnson just joined the club. Miami Vice was my favorite show at the time (1985) and I was maybe 11 years old. So hearing that news I nearly lost my mind. That same day we went to the pool a few hours went by and then low and behold I see Don Johnson and his family coming down the steps to the pool area. They hung out for awhile, ate lunch and stuff while the whole time I was mesmerized by it all. I asked my Dad Dad, is it okay for me to talk to him and maybe get an autograph? He replied Well, were not supposed to do that kind of thing here, theyre private members of the club just like anyone else and probably come here to get away from the public. My Dad then said I play golf a lot with people so Ill introduce myself and ask him if my kid can get an autograph. I was super pumped. About a few weeks went by and I kind of forgot Don Johnson was a member of the club. One night were at a big dinner, there he was, I think it may have been for the 4th of July. Being a dumb kid, I assumed my Dad talked to him. I asked my two sisters if one of them came with me to the table he was at with his family so it would see more legit, plus I was star struck and scared. They declined. I eventually worked up the nerve to approach him. I walked to the table and said this Hello my Johnson, Im really sorry to bother you right now with your family but my Dad is Dave **** and he said it would be okay if I came to tell you I really love your show and was wondering if you could sign my napkin. I remember his face looking puzzled and squinting his eyes. Holy *beep* its Sonny Crockett and hes about to talk me, this cant be for real. His face was red, eyes blood and smelled of Bourbon. He takes my napkin and pen and starts to write. He hands it back to me and says Kiss my ass, kid in an extremely condescending way which automatically made my heart sink. I looked at my autographed napkin and it said Kiss my ass, kid. I felt abused, raped, full of regret. I walked away back to the table where my sisters were and super excited asked me Did you get it?! I said yeah.. looking all bummed out. They didnt ask to see it and I wouldnt have if they did. I still have it locked away in some old files. I think hes a great actor. I must of caught him on a bad night. Was watching Machete the other day and that memory all of a sudden came rushing back to me and I had to share. Thanks for reading.