
Is it Fam-kee or Fam-kuh, or more emphasis on the short-a Falm-kee or -kuh? Around here we always say actors names literally, so she has always been Fam-kee Jan-sen.

I think I am saying Janssen right... Jan(like the middle Brady girl)-sen, right? and not short-a like Jahn-sen? Or since she is from that part of the world Yahn-sen? UGH! So confused!

No matter what, it's a cool name to say, however she pronounces it. lol

Move along! There's nothing to see here


...and don't even get me started on that middle name of hers!

"Beumer? Beumer? Beumer?" -Ben Stein

Move along! There's nothing to see here


It is Fam-kuh ?


It's Fam-kuh and sounds like you got the last name right.

Her last name would corectly be pronounced Yahn-sen but she goes by Jan-sen in the U.S
