Bond vilian or M?

Just wondering if anyone thinks he should be a bond villian or appear as M, i would love to see him as either as i think he would be brillliant in both roles.

Just a side note finally after 15 years i watched The Lion KIng tonight, i thought he was awesome as the voice for scae.

Shut Up Dave!


I definitely see him as a bond villain. If they bring Dr. No back, he could be a possible player. And I can definitely see him as "M", he could be very witty too.


I don't know. At first I was thinking as a villain just because we'd see a lot more of him on screen but if he were to play M, he'd potentially be in more Bond films later on.


He'd be a great Bond villain.

Two years my love, we will be together for the rest of our lives.


When he was younger, I would loved to have seen him as Bond himself.
