MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Irons Discussion > I used to really like him but

I used to really like him but

Jeremy Irons is obviously a great actor. He also has a voice that many people like. However, in recent years some of the things he's said have been a guess.

He said something in a interview that sort of disturbing and he's made comments about sexual harassment.

I've posted about it on my blog:

What do you think? Am I completely out of left field?

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Look I read the blog and, while I can see where you're coming from with some stuff, are you really going to berate him for being pro-gay marriage? That makes you come off as homophobic and it also kind of makes your article lose a bit of credit.

Remember how you said you should keep some things to yourself? You should've kept that to yourself!

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


Thank you for reading the blog but I have some concerns with your perception of me.

First of all, I never even mentioned anything about gay marriage. I said that I don't support open marriage which might be the kind of marriage the Jeremy Irons has.

Secondly, please don't use the ad hominem fallacy and say that my article lacks credence based on something which I didn't even say.

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Oh I'm sorry I thought open marriage meant gay marriage.

My mistake (I'll admit I've never heard of open marriage before).

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


I do not understand why anyone would give a *beep* if someone else has an open marriage. If you don't like it, don't do it. Why do you have to support other people's choices?


*sigh* here we go again. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HOMOPHOBIA. its a completely made up term that is not used in any medical proffession that created by the leftist groups to promote there agenda's. yeesh, you'd think people would know this by now. the ignorance astounds me.

actually being AGAINST gay marriage is perfectly valid and not a "hate crime". i cant stand it when people try to make it sound like being against gay "marriage" is intolerance when the fact is its intolerance to be against people with a differing opinion. most people actualyl are against it, but the extremly loud noise being made by the left is so loud that people think its actually its the opposite. its not.

also, the only "narrow minded" ones on this board are the leftists morons who think there opinions trump all others. you do realize that most people have some kind of religious faith in there lives that they live by right? the existence of God is more sane then the rediculous athiestic ones ive heard, its almost laughable if it wasnt so pathetic. so dont try to put down religious people, it just makes you look even dumber.

anyway, sad to hear yet another lefty actor promoting this crazy lifestyle. its an attack aginst marriage, and i just lost a bit of respect for him. too bad.


LOL please tell me this is all a very sarcastic joke and you are not actually denying the fact that homophobia is alive and kicking.


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