I love her! Hey all you haters! My guess is; you are all just worthless little trolls; that hate your miserable, tiny little fricking lives! As far as moving to Canada. If *beep* is elected as our next president; I already have plans on doing the same! He seems to think it's still 1945; and we rule the world!! WTF!! Get real Donald! You can't tell every other country what to do! And really? Build a wall? And make another nation pay for it?!!? How fricking delusional are you?!!? You wanna find someone to blame for our mess? Then I suggest you look at the U.S. corporations. You know; the ones that moved all our good paying (GASP!!) union jobs overseas. In that case you are right! Both parties share the blame on that one! Free trade my ass! It is basically; just an agreement to avoid union contracts; and pay basically slave wages (about 2 or 3 rice bowls a day); just to avoid EPA clean air, and water rules! Don't believe me? Fine!! Then just look at the air, and water purity in most industrial cities in China! It's way, way worse than Los Angeles ever was!! For God's sake! The people living in Beijing, and other industrial cities wear air filtrating masks; when they walk outdoors! I realize I got way off the topic of Lauren Holly here. You know what? I don't give a f%#k!! I'm old; and no longer give a *beep* about what people think of me!