MovieChat Forums > Gaby Hoffmann Discussion > This is why IMDB comments are awful

This is why IMDB comments are awful

Look, if you want to insult a person, especially a woman, based on her appearance, you do it, if you must do it at all, in the private company of your friends, the people who know you and understand that you may have better qualities than what strangers would think from the crap you're currently spewing out of your mouth. But if you do it in public, without anyone knowing you, you just come across as an a-hole, and with women, with this particular woman, a sexist one. So let's remember that this is a public forum and that we should elevate any discussion, not drag it down into the sewer. (The Internet was supposed to educate people and elevate the social public discourse, not reveal terrible human beings.) You're only making yourself look stupid and foolish. That is all.


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No matter what the internet was supposed to do, the internet is in essence a place of free expression. It is not your right nor responsibility to "elevate any discussion" on a public forum (though this technically is not one since it is hosted by IMDb) and if a poster wants to look stupid and foolish then it is his/her right to do so. Just because you don't agree with what was written doesn't mean that the people are not allowed to write those things unless they violate the terms of use of this private forum.

Please read and pay attention to what I wrote before posting a reply.


I was responding to the misogynistic and vile comments. Free expression doesn't excuse offensive and hurtful expression. This is a public forum Ms. Hoffman and any of her friends and family can access, and then be hurt by. Just because you have the right to say something in no way means that you should. Why celebrities are fired from their jobs when they say offensive things. We should all stop saying these things, because they add nothing to any discussion: they are just mean, nasty and hurtful, and make the speaker look like a stupid a-hole. What possible use is to tell me Gaby Hoffman looks like a man, or is incredibly ugly, or is so incredibly ugly and mannish that she is a lesbian or a transgendered person? These are regressive, hateful thoughts not keeping in line with our values and society. Sure, say them, but in the company of your friends. If you say them in public, someone will be hurt by them. Of course my little admonition isn't going to stop the Internet from being the cesspool large parts of it are, but we could all do better, and should.


Just because we have the freedom to express ourselves does not mean we should forget personal responsibility and owning some values.
I totally agree with what you say but , like trolls, a lot of young (ish) and/or isolated people with little upbringing, hide behind anonymity to vent their frustrations.
Now and then I bother saying exactly what you said , it is good to do so.
But many posters are immature, impatient and graceless


I agree, but for the love of all humanity, somebody please give this beautiful girl tweezers.
